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The History Academy

Average Rating4.62
(based on 227 reviews)

The History Academy's goal is to share best practice at an affordable price so that you can focus on your own priorities. Our resources have been written to a high standard and fine tuned in the classroom. During my 35 years in challenging schools, I have published resources for Heinemann, Pearsons, Hodder, Folens, BBC and Boardworks. If you would like to receive updates, create your own customised bundle or join our team, then contact us via our Facebook or Linkedin pages.




The History Academy's goal is to share best practice at an affordable price so that you can focus on your own priorities. Our resources have been written to a high standard and fine tuned in the classroom. During my 35 years in challenging schools, I have published resources for Heinemann, Pearsons, Hodder, Folens, BBC and Boardworks. If you would like to receive updates, create your own customised bundle or join our team, then contact us via our Facebook or Linkedin pages.
Card Sort: Abortion Debate

Card Sort: Abortion Debate

This issue of abortion is a controversial subject, which has to be handled with sensitivity. On the one side we have pro choice who advocate abortion as key to women achieving equality with men, whilst on the other we have pro life who argue that far from helping women achieve equality it actually allows society to continue to ignore the issues that face women such as equal pay, childcare and promotion on merit. This outstanding resources has been tried and tested in the classroom over many years and aims to help students understand some of the main arguments for and against abortion. It can be used as a starter, plenary or main activity to accompany any main stream text book or resource on this topic. The nature of the task means that it appeals to the full range of ability. The main activity involves getting students to cut out the cards in lesson, organize them into their most persuasive order under the two main headings and then sick them into their books. Once students have fed back their results to a class discussion, they can then have a go at the extended writing activity. Alternatively, they can create a key and then sort through the cards and then stick the sheet into their book or you could cut out the cards and place them into an envelope for them to sort prior to a discussion on the topic. This is a great resource that can be easily adapted to suit your classroom and expectations. When you purchase this resource, you will be able to download a single page Word Document which contains a learning objective, instructions, two heading cards as well as sixteen statements that can sorted under them. The aims of this lesson / activity are: Theme: Moral Ethics and Philosophy Know: What is abortion? Understand: What are the arguments for and against Abortion? Evaluate: Are there any circumstances in which it s acceptable to take another life? WILF - What am I Looking For? Identify and describe - what is Euthanasia? Explain - the arguments for and against Euthanasia? Analyze - Are there any circumstances in which it is acceptable to take another life? If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more quality time with the people who matter. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Kind Regards Roy
Card Sort: Death Penalty Ethics - Arguments For & Against

Card Sort: Death Penalty Ethics - Arguments For & Against

The issue about whether or not society should execute convicted murderers is highly controversial. Recent polls still show a lot of popular support for the death penalty but Parliament still opposes its reintroduction. In countries where the death penalty does exist, a large number of those on death row are often people who are foreigners, outsiders or misfits. Black people make up 10% of US society but 30% of those on death row. Could this be due to racist judges and juries? This outstanding resources has been tried and tested in the classroom over many years and aims to help students understand some of the main arguments for and against the death penalty. It can be used as a starter, plenary or main activity to accompany any main stream text book or resource on this topic. The nature of the task means that it appeals to the full range of ability. When you purchase this resource, you will be able to download a single page Word Document which contains a learning objective, instructions, two heading cards as well as sixteen statements that can sorted under them. The aims of this lesson / activity are: Theme: Moral Ethics and Philosophy Know: What is the death penalty? Understand: What are the moral arguments for and against the death penalty? Evaluate: Should society execute convicted murderers? WILF - What am I Looking For? Identify and describe - What is the death penalty? Explain - the moral arguments for and against the death penalty? Analyse - Should society execute convicted murderers? If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more quality time with the people who matter. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Kind Regards Roy
Card Sort: Ethics Does Prison Work?

Card Sort: Ethics Does Prison Work?

This thought provocative resource aims to help students assess whether prison sentences work by looking at the experiences in the UK. This is a controversial subject with people from all sides advocating different solutions from longer sentences to rehabilitate prisoners to alternatives sentences based in the community. This card sort can be used with a range of abilities and has never failed to get my students excited, engaged, whilst improving their understanding of this difficult topic. The main activity involves getting students to cut out the cards in lesson, organize them into their most persuasive order under the two main headings and then sick them into their books. Once students have fed back their results to a class discussion, they can then have a go at the extended writing activity. Alternatively, they can create a key and then sort through the cards and then stick the sheet into their book or you could cut out the cards and place them into an envelope for them to sort prior to a discussion on the topic. This is a great resource that can be easily adapted to suit your classroom and expectations. When you purchase this resource, you will be able to download 19 slide PowerPoint which is designed to help facilitate the card sort which is in a separate single page Microsoft Word document. The Word document includes a learning objective, instructions, two headings cards labeled ‘Pros / Advantages’ and ‘Cons / Disadvantages’ as well as sixteen information cards to be sorted. . The PowerPoint contains aims, objectives, information slides, templates, tasks and activities to support the card sort. These are both fully editable documents which can be customized if necessary to suit your students. I have also uploaded them as PDFs. Once students have completed the main task, they then have the option of writing the script for a speech expressing their own point of view on the subject. The aims of this lesson / activity are: Theme: Crime and Punishment Know: How are people supported in prison? Understand: What are the advantages and disadvantages or sending people to prison? Evaluate: Does prison protect society from crime? WILF - What am I Looking For? Identify and describe - How are people treated in prison? Explain - What are the advantages and disadvantages or sending people to prison? Analyze - Does prison protect society from crime? If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Kind Regards Roy
Card Sort: Ethics - Just War Theory

Card Sort: Ethics - Just War Theory

Can the massive death and destruction of armed conflict ever be morally justified? Is there such a thing as a just war? Should we stand by and allow innocent people be raped and murdered in horrible acts of genocide? This outstanding resource has been tried and tested in the classroom over many years and aims to help students understand some of the main arguments for and against the Just War Theory. It can be used as a starter, plenary or main activity to accompany any main stream text book or resource on this topic. The nature of the task means that it appeals to the full range of ability. The main activity involves getting students to cut out the cards in lesson, organize them into their most persuasive order and then sick into their books before they have a go at the extended writing activity / discussion. Alternatively, they can create a key and then sort through the cards and then stick the sheet into their book or you could cut out the cards and place them into an envelope for them to sort prior to a discussion on the topic. This is a great resource that can be easily adapted to suit your classroom and expectations. When you purchase this resource, you will be able to download a single page, fully editable Word Document which contains a learning objective, instructions, two heading cards as well as fourteen carefully selected statements that can sorted under them. The aims of this lesson / activity are: Theme: Moral Ethics and Philosophy Know: What is the Just War Theory? Understand: What are the arguments for and against waging a just war? Evaluate: Are there any moral circumstances in which it s acceptable to wage war? WILF - What am I Looking For? Identify and describe - The Just War Theory Explain - the arguments for and against fighting a just war? Analyze - Are there any moral circumstances in which it is acceptable to wage war? If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more quality time with the people who matter. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Kind Regards Roy
Card Sort: Ethics - Torture

Card Sort: Ethics - Torture

The ethics and morality of torture is a controversial subject which is at the heart of British values. It is proscribed by the Geneva convention and it is illegal to submit evidence to a British court that has been gained through torture. However, the war on terror has placed many of our service men and women in very difficult circumstances where they have had to make decisions which have been questioned by human rights groups. Should the state ever use torture in order to protect the public safety of its citizens against terrorism? This outstanding resource has been tried and tested in the classroom over many years and aims to help students understand some of the arguments for and against the use of torture. It can be used as a starter, plenary or main activity to accompany any main stream text book or resource on this topic. The nature of the task means that it appeals to the full range of ability. However, this is a topic which should ideally be delivered by a subject specialists and covered by older students at KS4 or KS5. The main activity involves getting students to cut out the cards in lesson, organise them into their most persuasive order under the two main headings and then sick them into their books. Once students have fed back their results to a class discussion, they can then have a go at the extended writing activity. Alternatively, they can create a key and then sort through the cards and then stick the sheet into their book or you could cut out the cards and place them into an envelope for them to sort prior to a discussion on the topic. This is a great resource that can be easily adapted to suit your classroom and expectations. When you purchase this resource, you will be able to download a single page Word Document which contains a learning objective, instructions, two heading cards as well as fourteen statements that can sorted. The aims of this lesson / activity are: Theme: Moral Moral philosophy and ethics Know: What is torture and why is outlawed by the Geneva Convention? Understand: What are the arguments for and against using torture? Evaluate: Are there any circumstances in which is acceptable to use torture? WILF - What am I Looking For? Identify and describe - What is torture and why was it outlawed by the Geneva Convention? Explain - the arguments for and against the use of torture? Analyse - Are there any circumstances in which it is acceptable to use torture? If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more quality time with the people who matter. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Kind Regards Roy
Card Sort: IVF Debate

Card Sort: IVF Debate

Is IVF a miracle of science or simply man interfering in the laws of nature and natural conception? If a couple are infertile is it the will of God or an illness which can be treated like any other infection or disease? Should women past their natural child bearing age or same sex couples be allowed to have children through IVF? This outstanding resource has been tried and tested in the classroom over many years and aims to help students understand some of the ethical and religious arguments for and against IVF. It can be used as a starter, plenary or main activity to accompany any main stream text book or resource on this topic. The nature of the task means that it appeals to the full range of ability. When you purchase this resource, you will be able to download a single page Word Document which contains a learning objective, instructions, two heading cards as well as eighteen fully editable statements that can sorted under them. I’ve also linked in three video clips to this page which are worthwhile watching with your students depending on their ability. The aims of this lesson / activity are: Theme: The Value of LIfe Know: What is IVF? Understand: What are the arguments for and against the use of IVF? Evaluate: Should scientist interfere with the laws of nature and natural conception through IVF? WILF - What am I Looking For? Identify and describe - What is IVF and why are some people opposed to it? Explain - the arguments for and against using IVF to help people become parents? Analyze - Should scientist interfere with the laws of nature and natural conception through IVF? If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more quality time with the people who matter. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Kind Regards Roy
Card Sort: Censorship of the Media?

Card Sort: Censorship of the Media?

The issue of censorship continues to be a controversial subject in most democratic societies. Should public morally be protected? Should children be shielded from violence and sexually explicit material? Should the rich and famous be protected by privacy laws? Should the government stop terrorist groups using social media to recruit and spread their ideology? How about freedom of speech or the issue of fake news? This outstanding resource has been tried and tested in the classroom over many years and aims to help students understand some of the arguments for and against the use of censorship. It can be used as a starter, plenary or main activity to accompany any main stream text book or resource on this topic. The nature of the task means that it appeals to the full range of ability. The main activity involves getting students to cut out the cards in lesson, organise them into their most persuasive order under the two main headings and then sick them into their books. Once students have fed back their results to a class discussion, they can then have a go at the extended writing activity or add additional ideas from the class discussion. Alternatively, they can create a key and then sort through the cards and then stick the sheet into their book or you could cut out the cards and place them into an envelope for them to sort prior to a discussion on the topic. This is a great resource that can be easily adapted to suit your classroom and expectations. When you purchase this resource, you will be able to download a single page Word Document which contains a learning objective, instructions, two heading cards as well as sixteen statements that can sorted. The aims of this lesson / activity are: Theme: Moral Moral philosophy and ethics Know: What is censorship of the media? Understand: What are the arguments for and against censorship of the media? Evaluate: How far should media be censored in a democratic society? WILF - What am I Looking For? Identify and describe - What is censorship of the media? Explain - the arguments for and against censorship of the media? Analyse - How far should media be censored in a democratic society? If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more quality time with the people who matter. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Kind Regards Roy
Card Sort: Torture - Can its use be morally justified?

Card Sort: Torture - Can its use be morally justified?

The ethics and morality of torture is a controversial subject which is at the heart of American values. It is proscribed by the Geneva convention and it is illegal to submit evidence to a court that has been gained through torture. However, the war on terror has placed many of our service men and women in very difficult circumstances where they have had to make decisions which have been questioned by human rights groups. Should the state ever use torture in order to protect the public safety of its citizens against terrorism? This outstanding resource has been tried and tested in the classroom over many years and aims to help students understand some of the arguments for and against the use of torture. It can be used as a starter, plenary or main activity to accompany any main stream text book or resource on this topic. The nature of the task means that it appeals to the full range of ability. However, this is a topic which should ideally be delivered by a subject specialists and covered by older students at KS4 or KS5. The main activity involves getting students to cut out the cards in lesson, organize them into their most persuasive order under the two main headings and then sick them into their books. Once students have fed back their results to a class discussion, they can then have a go at the extended writing activity. Alternatively, they can create a key and then sort through the cards and then stick the sheet into their book or you could cut out the cards and place them into an envelope for them to sort prior to a discussion on the topic. This is a great resource that can be easily adapted to suit your classroom and expectations. When you purchase this resource, you will be able to download a single page Word Document which contains a learning objective, instructions, two heading cards as well as fourteen statements that can sorted. The aims of this lesson / activity are: Theme: Moral Moral philosophy and ethics Know: What is torture and why is outlawed by the Geneva Convention? Understand: What are the arguments for and against using torture? Evaluate: Are there any circumstances in which is acceptable to use torture? WILF - What am I Looking For? Identify and describe - What is torture and why was it outlawed by the Geneva Convention? Explain - the arguments for and against the use of torture? Analyze - Are there any circumstances in which it is acceptable to use torture? If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more quality time with the people who matter. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Kind Regards Roy
Card Sort: Fox Hunting Debate

Card Sort: Fox Hunting Debate

Fox hunting has become for many an emotive issue with the views of the countryside and cities diverging other whether the sport is a cruel or natural past time. This resource aims to help students understand some of the key issues and help then come to a balanced conclusion on the morality of fox hunting. It be used alongside any main stream text book or video clip as a starter, mini plenary or a consolidation exercise. When you purchase this resource, you will be able to download a single page Word Document which contains a learning objective, instructions, two heading cards as well as sixteen statements that can sorted to help summarise the arguments for and against the ban being lifted. The aims of this lesson / activity are: Theme: Rights and Responsibilities Know: What is Fox hunting and why was it banned? Understand: What are the arguments for and against lifting the ban on Fox hunting? Evaluate: Should the hunting of all animals be banned or is fox hunting a special case? WILF - What am I Looking For? Identify and describe - What is Fox hunting and why was it banned? Explain - the arguments for and against lifting the ban on fox hunting? Analyse - If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more quality time with the people who matter. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Kind Regards Roy
Ethics Card Sort: Death Penalty

Ethics Card Sort: Death Penalty

The issue about whether or not society should execute convicted murderers is highly controversial. Recent polls still show a lot of popular support for the death penalty but Parliament still opposes its reintroduction. In countries where the death penalty does exist, a large number of those on death row are often people who are foreigners, outsiders or misfits. Black people make up 10% of US society but 30% of those on death row. Could this be due to racist judges and juries? This outstanding resources has been tried and tested in the classroom over many years and aims to help students understand some of the main arguments for and against the death penalty. It can be used as a starter, plenary or main activity to accompany any main stream text book or resource on this topic. The nature of the task means that it appeals to the full range of ability. The main activity involves getting students to cut out the cards in lesson, organize them into their most persuasive order under the two main headings and then sick them into their books. Once students have fed back their results to a class discussion, they can then have a go at the extended writing activity. Alternatively, they can create a key and then sort through the cards and then stick the sheet into their book or you could cut out the cards and place them into an envelope for them to sort prior to a discussion on the topic. This is a great resource that can be easily adapted to suit your classroom and expectations. When you purchase this resource, you will be able to download a single page Word Document which contains a learning objective, instructions, two heading cards as well as sixteen statements that can sorted under them. The aims of this lesson / activity are: Theme: Moral Ethics and Philosophy Know: What is the death penalty? Understand: What are the moral arguments for and against the death penalty? Evaluate: Should society execute convicted murderers? WILF - What am I Looking For? Identify and describe - What is the death penalty? Explain - the moral arguments for and against the death penalty? Analyse - Should society execute convicted murderers? If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more quality time with the people who matter. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Kind Regards Roy
Card Sort: Ethics - Lying Moral Pros & Cons

Card Sort: Ethics - Lying Moral Pros & Cons

Can lying ever be morally justified? On the one side of the debate we have those who say that under no circumstances can lying ever be justified, whilst on the other side of the debate we have those argue that lying is okay to prevent harm. So for example, was St Peter right to lie about knowing Jesus after he was arrested? This outstanding resource has been tried and tested in the classroom over many years and aims to help students understand some of the main arguments for and against lying. It can be used as a starter, plenary or main activity to accompany any main stream text book or resource on this topic. The nature of the task means that it appeals to the full range of ability. This lesson is designed to be used in an RE or Moral Philosophy lesson but it is a great tool for tutor time or helping students who need pastoral guidance. The main activity involves getting students to cut out the cards in lesson, organize them into their most persuasive order under the two main headings and then sick them into their books. Once students have fed back their results to a class discussion, they can then have a go at the extended writing activity. Alternatively, they can create a key and then sort through the cards and then stick the sheet into their book or you could cut out the cards and place them into an envelope for them to sort prior to a discussion on the topic. This is a great resource that can be easily adapted to suit your classroom and expectations. When you purchase this resource, you will be able to download a single page Word Document which contains a learning objective, instructions, two heading cards as well as eighteen statements that can sorted under them. The aims of this lesson / activity are: Theme: Moral Ethics and Philosophy Know: Why is it wrong to lie? Understand: What are the arguments for and against lying? Evaluate: Are there any circumstances in which it s acceptable to lie? WILF - What am I Looking For? Identify and describe - Why is it wrong to lie? Explain - the arguments for and against lying? Analyse - Are there any circumstances in which it is acceptable to lie? If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more quality time with the people who matter. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Kind Regards Roy
Ethics Card Sort: IVF

Ethics Card Sort: IVF

This outstanding resource has been tried and tested in the classroom over many years and aims to help students understand some of the ethical and religious arguments for and against IVF. It can be used as a starter, plenary or main activity to accompany any main stream text book or resource on this topic. The nature of the task means that it appeals to the full range of ability. When you purchase this resource, you will be able to download a single page Word Document which contains a learning objective, instructions, two heading cards as well as eighteen fully editable statements that can sorted under them. I’ve also linked in three video clips to this page which are worthwhile watching with your students depending on their ability. The aims of this lesson / activity are: Theme: The Value of LIfe Know: What is IVF? Understand: What are the arguments for and against the use of IVF? Evaluate: Should scientist interfere with the laws of nature and natural conception through IVF? WILF - What am I Looking For? Identify and describe - What is IVF and why are some people opposed to it? Explain - the arguments for and against using IVF to help people become parents? Analyze - Should scientist interfere with the laws of nature and natural conception through IVF? If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more quality time with the people who matter. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Kind Regards Roy
Hitler's Rise to Power & Weimar Germany

Hitler's Rise to Power & Weimar Germany

13 Resources
These bundled resources on the Weimar Republic and Hitler’s Rise to Power cover German History from 1918 - 1933. They are suitable for the full range of ability and are designed to work along side any main stream text book or resource. I have heavily discounted this bundle by 26%, which does not take into account any additional sales run by the TES at the time of purchase. Please note that this bundle has been specifically created for the US market and that a larger bundle covering more resources is available under a similar title in the UK. From time to time I will add extra resources so if you purchase today you will get any additional updates for free. If you like any further updates on this topic or others then please stay in touch by following The History Academy on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube. Kind Regards Roy
Weimar Republic & Hitler's Rise to Power

Weimar Republic & Hitler's Rise to Power

17 Resources
These bundled resources on the Weimar Republic and Hitler’s Rise to Power cover German History from 1918 - 1933. They are suitable for the full range of ability and are designed to work along side any main stream text book or resource on this topic at GCSE or A Level… I have heavily discounted this bundle by 54%, which does not take into account any additional sales run by the TES at the time of purchase. From time to time I will add extra resources so if you purchase today you will get any additional updates for free. If you like to stay in touch and discuss any of these resource then please follow The History Academy on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube. We aim to produce high quality resources at an affordable price. This bundle represents excellent value for money and will go a long way to help support both the less able whilst providing challenge for the more able. Kind Regards Roy
Timeline & Market Place Activity: Saxon & Viking Britain 410 - 1066 AD

Timeline & Market Place Activity: Saxon & Viking Britain 410 - 1066 AD

This beautifully illustrated time line on Saxon and Viking was written and produced for the History Academy by the textbook author and artist Andrew Hill. It makes a great classroom time line display or can be used as information cards for a market place activity on Saxon & Viking Britain 410 - 1066 AD. It is a versatile resource which can also be printed off and kept in a folder and used for research by your gifted and talent students. Please see the preview slides for more information. When you purchase this resource you will be able to download two PowerPoints. The first contains the time line resources for Saxon and Viking Britain and includes pictures, diagrams and information which can be printed off in colour for either display or information cards for a market place activity. The second Powerpoint includes aims, objectives, differentiated outcomes, starters, plenaries, tasks and extended writing activities to help support a market place activity. The document is open and can customised for your students. The aims and objectives for this resource are: Theme: Saxon & Viking Britain 410 - 1066 AD Know: What was life like for people living in Britain during this period? Understand: How did they overcome the problems they faced? Evaluate: What changed and what stayed the same in this time period? Skills: Collaboration, Cause, Consequence, Change & Continuity. WILF – What Am I Looking For? Identify & describe: What was life like for people living in Britain at this time? Explain: How did they overcome the problems that they faced? Analyse: What changed and stayed the time in this time period? If you are looking for similar resources then please check out our TES shop. This lesson can also be purchased at a discount as part of a bundled package. If you would like to stay up to date with our latest offerings, then you can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee so that you can spend more time focusing on what really matters to you! Kind Regards Roy
Card Sort - Comparing Religious Attitudes To Organ Donation

Card Sort - Comparing Religious Attitudes To Organ Donation

This fun and interactive resource is designed to help your students understand the different attitudes of Christians and Muslims towards organ donation and transplant surgery. I originally designed this resource for my GCSE RE group as a consolidation exercise to help them produce an extended piece of writing answering a past paper question for Edexcel. However, it can also be used as a starter, plenary or a homework piece of work. When you purchase this resource you will be able to download a two page Word document which includes 22 statement cards and 3 heading cards labelled ‘Christian Beliefs’, ‘Muslim Beliefs’ and ‘Non Religious.’ The resource also includes an objective, instructions and an extended writing question on the topic. I usually get my students to either cut out the cards or colour code the heading cards. Once they have fed back their results, we then stick the cards into our books. We then use the finished card sort as the basis for an extended piece of writing. They can then use the card headings as opening points and select statements as their examples for their PEEL’d paragraphs. The aims and objectives for this lesson are: Theme: Religious attitudes towards surgery Know: Why are some people opposed to organ donation and transplant surgery? Understand: The different religious and non religious attitudes? Evaluate: Which attitudes are Muslim or Christian? WILF – What Am I Looking For? Can You Describe: Why some people are opposed to organ donation and transplant surgery? Can You Explain: The different religious and non religious attitudes? Can You Evaluate: What are the differences and similarities between Christian and Muslim attitudes? If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for the price of a good cup of coffee so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. All our contributors are paid the living wage. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Kind Regards Roy
Religious Reforms of Edward VI

Religious Reforms of Edward VI

This fun and interactive lesson looks at the religious reforms of Edward VI. It begins by looking at the change of leadership at the top and the state of the Church of England that Edward inherited. The lesson then moves on to look at the changes that his advisors made and assesses how popular they were with the majority of people. The lesson finishes off with Edward VI and his advisors failure to place Lady Jane Grey on the throne. The lesson is beautifully illustrated and is suitable for all ability groups. When you purchase this resource you will be able to download a twenty slide PowerPoint Presentation and two page worksheet. The PP includes aims, objectives, differentiated outcomes, starters, plenaries, information slides, historical sources, pictures, diagrams, templates, sentence starters, tasks and homework activities. The worksheet includes information, diagrams, historical sources, tasks and activities. I have also included a PDF version of the worksheet. For more information, please see the sample preview. The aims and objectives are: Theme: The Reformation Know: What changes did Edward VI make to the Church of England? Understand: The differences between a Catholic and Protestant Church? Evaluate: How would Catholics react to the changes made by Edward VI? Skills: Source Analysis, Cause, Consequence & Collaboration WILF – What Am I Looking For? Can You Identify: The changes that Edward VI made to the Church of England? Can You Explain: The differences between a Catholic and Protestant Church? Can You Apply: Your learning to predict how a Catholic would react to Edward’s new Protestant Church of England? If you like this lesson then why not check out our TES shop, where you can find similar resources that have been bundled to provide you with further savings. You can also follow ‘The History Academy on Facebook and YouTube for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce resources for the price of a good cup of coffee so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. However, we do not compromise our values and pay all our contributors the living wage for their work. Kind Regards Roy
The Native Americans

The Native Americans

9 Resources
We have bundled together some our most popular Native American resources at the History Academy. These covea range of subjects from their beliefs, methods of warfare and why they were defeated by the US Government. All our resources have been field tested and improved in the classroom. These funa nd interactive resources were designed for the popular GCSE course the American West, but they can also be used at KS3. We have have recently commissioned some new resources on this topic and plan to add to this pack, so if you buy at the current low price you will be able to download all the forthcoming new resources for free. If you like these resources then why not check out our TES shop. You can also follow ‘The History Academy on Facebook and YouTube for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce resources for the price of a good cup of coffee so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. However, we do not compromise our values and pay all our contributors the living wage for their work. Kind Regards Roy
Market Place Activity: Native American beliefs

Market Place Activity: Native American beliefs

This beautifully illustrated market place activity on Native American beliefs is aimed at middle to upper ability students. The information slides for the market place activity look at their beliefs about the land, circles, clans, moieties, spiritualism and the spirit World and how they affected the way in which they lived their lives. These ideas are then consolidated through various feedback activities that you can see in the preview including a blank table that can be edited for class feedback, to a completed version that can also be used for improving student responses and a heads and tails activity. When you purchase this lesson, you will be able to download 19 slide PowerPoint which includes the aims, objectives, differentiated outcomes, starters, plenaries, information slides , historical sources, tasks, activities and templates for the lesson. For more information, please see the preview slides. The aims and objectives of this lesson are: Know: What beliefs did Native Americans believe? Understand: Native American beliefs about nature and the land? Evaluate: How did their beliefs affect their way of life? Skills: Source Analysis, Cause, Consequence & Collaboration WILF – What Am I Looking For? Can You Identify: What Native Americans believed? Can You Explain: Native American beliefs about nature and the land? Evaluate: How did their beliefs affect their way of life? If you like this lesson then why not check out our TES shop, where you can find similar resources that have been bundled to provide you with further savings. You can also follow ‘The History Academy on Facebook and YouTube for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce resources for the price of a good cup of coffee so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. However, we do not compromise our values and pay all our contributors the living wage for their work. Kind Regards Roy
Card Sort - The Curse of Tutankhamun

Card Sort - The Curse of Tutankhamun

This fun and engaging lesson has been designed for students studying Ancient Egypt, but it can also be used as a stand alone lesson for an open evening or end of term activity. It looks at the mystery surrounding the curse of King Tut or if you prefer the 'Mummy’s Curse by looking at the origins of the curse and how it developed in the newspapers after Howard Carter had opened the tomb of Tutankhamun, When you purchase this resource you will be able to download a 12 slide PowerPoint Presentation which includes aims, objectives, starters, plenaries, video links, information slides as well as historical sources from the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb. You will also be able to download a two page Word Document which includes two heading cards labeled ‘King Tut’s Curse is Real’ and ‘King Tut’s Curse is Fake’, as well as 18 statements containing details about the deaths of people connected with the opening of the tomb and the latest scientific research. On page 2 of the Word Document, I have also added 8 additional extension cards for the more able as well as sentence starters that you students could use if you want them to write an extended answer to the question on whether they think the curse of King Tut is real. The aims and objectives for this lesson are: Theme: Ancient Egypt Know: Why do some people believe that Tutankhamun’s tomb is cursed? Understand: What happened to the people involved in opening the tomb? Evaluate: Whether the curse of King Tut is real or fake? WILF – What Am I Looking For? Can You Describe: Tutankhamun’s curse and how people have reacted to it? Can You Explain: Why some people believe that there is a curse? Can You Assess: Whether the curse of King Tut is real or fake? If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for the price of a good cup of coffee so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. All our authors are paid the living wage! Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Kind Regards Roy